This has been an incredible week for news. On September 20th the Jena 6 protest march brought thousands of people from all over the country to the court house steps in Jena, Louisiana. As I sat at my desk dressed in my solidarity black listening to the live broadcast, the positive energy of the movement penetrated me through the airwaves. Although there were a few ignorant folks who weren't too supportive, that didn't dampen the spirit of the march for me. I was proud. The attention didn't get Mychal Bell released, but the somewhat limited national media coverage has proven to be a boon to the cause. Hopefully, this case won't disappear into the "whatever happened with that case" file. It's not too late to show your support. Sign the petition to the justice department or the governor of Louisiana. This site has letters already written for you and after you complete one you to can make a donation to the defense fund. Shouts to Michael Baisden, Steve Harvey, Tom Joyner, and Mos Def for representing for the cause. Respect.
What did get plenty o' coverage was that fool OJ. Does anyone else think OJ kicked in the door and got straight gangsta on some mofos? If you don't know, read part of the transcript. We all know Orenthal has unresolved anger management issues, but kickin' in the door to lay the smack down on some audio taping thieves seems a little fishy. I'm not saying OJ was right to do what he allegedly did, but I don't think too many people dealing in stolen items want their business transactions on TMZ for the world to hear. Yeah, he shouldn't have been there but just like the Hip Hop police you best believe OJ has some brothers in blue watching him too. Good luck with that O. Johnnie C. can't get you out of this one.
I pitched a few story ideas to XXL last week and I'm waiting to hear back. I sent, they replied. They asked for more details. I gave them. Now the waiting game begins. My editor said be patient, so that's what I'm going to do. I did some final edits on another one of my shorts, so this week I'll look for a literary magazine to submit to and see what happens. I learned a while ago that a big part of the writing game, once your done with a piece, you spend time waiting to see if your work is publish worthy. I get confirmation that I am when I see a piece that I've written up on AllHipHop.com. More projects are coming, but I have to stay mum on them for now. Networking pays off. Trust me.
In the meantime, I'll have to keep figuring out new ways to keep my composure while spending eight hours a day, five days a week, working with someone I don't quite gel with. The day job has served me well by giving me a short commute, allowing me to meet some nice people, and helping me pay some bills. Now its time to move on and my eyes are definitely open. Hopefully, I'll keep getting more and more paid writing assignments and that will lead to bigger and better creative adventures for me.
Speaking of adventures, I'm about to embark on a huge one tomorrow. I'm talking HUGE. So huge that when I went out to dinner tonight my family ordered a sparkler on my desert to celebrate. I'll fill you in with details in two weeks, but if all goes well, this could prove to be that big thing that I predicted was coming in my last post. I'm a visionary in case you didn't know.
Congrats to Steph & Jim on bringing their third little person into the world, and my life, last Friday. You've got some fantastic parents Liam, so consider yourself blessed.
Aight, I'm out. My Mama's here and I need some hugs. Nothing like in person motherly love to get me through the week. Until next time, ladies get your Million Woman March reunion crew together and make it happen. Can you believe its been 10 years? And just so you know, I wasn't kidding about this t-shirt. Help a sista out. The holidays are just around the corner.