Friday, January 18, 2008

I'll Take You There

Hotep! All my former BSU members may remember that greeting from our leather Africa necklace wearing fight the powers that be heyday. Its Friday and a long weekend for some of us, so whats not to love about today? Not much. MLK day is being celebrated on Monday and if you are looking for a place to honor the memory of MLK, you'll find some useful information here to let you know where to get your service on. I can still remember my fifth grade speech in front of the class about Martin Luther King. (You know it was in February too, but thats another story) For a little extra added oomph, at the end of my presentation I read his 'I Have A Dream' speech. Perhaps I was channeling MLK with my voice because the spirit of his words moved me so that my voice cracked and I started to cry. What a great man. Not a perfect man, but a great man. I wish he were here to address this mess. Maybe Sharpton will jump on it because Tiger Woods has already said its all good.

TLA has been biz-zy with the writing as of late. I've still got two pieces to put to bed and another lined up to complete on Monday. A few people have been wondering about the topic of my piece for the City Paper. Well believe it or not I stayed the weekend at a homeless shelter. They wanted me to write a piece on my experience and any connections I may have made while there. You will have to wait until publication to read all the details, but I can say that it was one of my most humbling experiences. I had a lot of time on my hands since I made a commitment to spend as much time inside the shelter as I possibly could. I finished Walter Mosley's latest in between scribing over 20 pages of hand written notes. It's going to make a good read for sure.

I'm set to make my radio debut tomorrow between 11 and 12 noon. I'm going to confirm my appearance tonight, so if you are in the listening area, tune in and check me out. Lots of horehound tea for me tonight to try and rid myself of this lingering cough. Can't clear scratchy throats live on air. The Hot Boyz showed me that.

Has everyone seen Steve Harvey's new look yet? I don't know if he was really rocking an Afro wig or what, but I think the new look does him some justice. What do you think?

I caught No Country For Old Men recently which I highly recommend. Javier Bardem, who won a best supporting actor Golden Globe earlier this week, was the highlight of the film. Next on the list is Atonement and There Will Be Blood. I may have to see Atonement sans my #1 muse, but he's always down for a Daniel Day-Lewis flick.

I copped Raheem Devaughn's new CD this week. I haven't given it a full listen yet, but what I've heard so far I like. I have a couple of his mix CD's and his first disc, which grew on me immediately. I love his voice so I'll give his latest time to get under my skin. Lyrically, he doesn't tend to be overt with his sexy red light bulb lyrics which I appreciate as a lover of lyrical subtlety.

Positive quotes are posted around my desk to keep my mind right so that I don't let evil TLA creep out on the some of these folks I come in contact at the day gig. Someone almost tried to take me there today, but Rev. Run's words calmed me. What did he say to me you ask? He said, "Patience, humility, and the willingness to eliminate what isn't really working will always free you up." Stay willing.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Let Me Tell You Something Right Quick...

Hey hey hey, it's TLA. I bet you thought I was going to say Fat Albert didn't you? Nope.

Although many of us may assume that white men have all the 'kill and eat the victim' jobs on lock, a brother has officially applied. I guess for some its just not enough to kill a person. Its so much more personal (and insane) when you straight ingest a victim. Sad that a fictional character named Hannibal made folks think humans might make a tasty treat.

Congrats to Obama for winning the Iowa caucuses. That win has given him the edge he needed to separate himself from his closest competitor, Hillary Clinto, for the upcoming New Hampshire primaries. Hillary's polling lead is rapidly falling, so she better step her campaign game up and get back in it if she's really trying to win it. Giving away shovels may not be enough. But you know like I do she won't win. And Barack may not either. Black Man? Bill's wife? Change the world? More of the same? John Edwards it is! Its still nice to dream about change. And whats a world without dreamers?

The changing of the guard in Philadelphia politricks happened today as the city inducted its 98th mayor, Michael Nutter, at the Academy of Music. He got the crowd riled up with his chants of, "We can do this!" as he vowed to cut the homicide rate. We'll see. I feel hopeful because his wife reminds me of someone I know very well. And with a wife who looks like this, he's bound for greatness I'm certain.

This is the weekend I'll be off completing my undercover newspaper piece. I'm wrapping up the research portion and ready to not only report on my findings, but experience them as well. I have a story to complete for Scheme this week interviewing a member of one Hip Hop's most influential duos, so be on the look out for that in the coming weeks. For all my Hip Hop heads, the hint is in these words that I manifest. Guess who?

TLA is finally going to make it on the airwaves in two weeks. As far as I know, I'll be talking about Hip-Hop, R&B, and whatever else comes to mind with the on air DJ I'm sure. I'm excited and hope that the final remains of this cold are gone before I have to bless the world with my melodious voice. I almost let this opportunity get away from me, but I'm glad I decided not to go with my gut and pursue it. Patience pays off.

2008 is going to be great. I can feel it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Brand New

HAPPY NEW YEAR! If your 2007 wasn't all that you wanted, needed, or expected, I still hope you were able to get at least one thing out of it. Nothing like a year spent without a single life lesson learned. One of my themes for 2007 was FOCUS. I learned that staying focused is more easily said than done, but definitely attainable. My 2008 theme? Let's Get It. Let's as in let us. You and I. Me and You. Your momma and your cousin too. Whatever goals you are setting out to reach, get it. Higher level of thinking and understanding? Get it. That home, career, education, man, woman--whatever. Get it. Its 2008. Its time to put the excuses, negative attitudes and detrimental relationships, to the side and make things happen. In the inevitable words of Outkast, Get up, Get out, and Get something. How can you make it if you never even try? Whats meant for you, will be yours and that's all there is to it. Don't make obstacles excuses.

Its 2008 and I'm feeling great. Ten days off from the day gig has served me well. So well in fact that I got a cold that had me in bed for five days. Mom said my busy schedule caught up with me and took it out on my body. Who knew positive stress still had the same effect on the body? And I thought giving a teenager a ride to the mall on Christmas Eve was the final straw. I had no business being in the mall although I took an unusually odd pleasure in watching last minute shoppers scramble for gifts while sipping on a vanilla soy decaf latte from Starcrack's. You know that stuffs addictive right? Big time.

I spent the last month of 2007 doing my part to make sure that the writings of TLA go even farther in 2008. I have been spreading my wings and networking, so I'll be sure to let you know when my work is up at HipHopDX, AHH, Rap Pages, and Scheme. I also pitched a piece to the Philadelphia City Paper, so be on the lookout for that too. It will be my first newspaper feature and I'm pretty excited. I'll be going undercover for 48 hours to complete the story so hopefully the read will be as intriguing as the topic. After its done, I'm sure you'll let me know. This news paper gig is me letting the world know that TLA isn't just Hip-Hop and R&B. I'm broadening my publication and professional horizons this year so don't be surprised at the places you'll find my work or find me working. New Years eve ended my regular schedule at the radio station but I'll still be working with the Hot Boyz here and there this year. I may even make it on the airwaves (finally) with another DJ at the station, but we'll see. I'm patient.

We'll know in a few days if Obama's is the man after the outcome of the Iowa caucuses. Although he is in the lead right now according to a poll released this morning, it going to take a little more then the backing of the big O to get Barack in the White House. In the mean time, make sure your not only registered to vote but that you actually get out and vote. Its too important.

For all my fellow 'The Wire' fans, its back. I already checked out the Season 5 premier episode and its top notch as usual. The writing, characters, and subject matter of this HBO gem make it one of the most compelling dramas on television. I already know I'm going to love this fifth and final season because one of the story lines involves the role of the media and its coverage (or lack thereof) of longstanding political, social, and economic issues that affect all of us in one way or another. The Wire isn't just another show depicting lives of the haves and have nots. Its real life, right now, with the benefit of actors to soften the blow of reality. Check it out for yourself and rent or buy prior seasons (1-4) series on DVD. You won't be disappointed.

I got the new Mary CD and I'm loving it of course. I'm loving how she is on her grown woman ish right now. I'm so feeling that these days. Lyrically, Ms. Blige is doing it for me as she always does. For those of you looking for that brown hued, honey voiced soul fix, check out Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings. Jones and Dap King's tear it down 60's soul style and hit you with the old school horns reminiscent of the Earth, Wind, and Fire horn section. Yeah like that.

Until next time, its not too late to start compiling that 2008 to do list. And tomorrow isn't too early to start checking things off.