Monday, January 7, 2008

Let Me Tell You Something Right Quick...

Hey hey hey, it's TLA. I bet you thought I was going to say Fat Albert didn't you? Nope.

Although many of us may assume that white men have all the 'kill and eat the victim' jobs on lock, a brother has officially applied. I guess for some its just not enough to kill a person. Its so much more personal (and insane) when you straight ingest a victim. Sad that a fictional character named Hannibal made folks think humans might make a tasty treat.

Congrats to Obama for winning the Iowa caucuses. That win has given him the edge he needed to separate himself from his closest competitor, Hillary Clinto, for the upcoming New Hampshire primaries. Hillary's polling lead is rapidly falling, so she better step her campaign game up and get back in it if she's really trying to win it. Giving away shovels may not be enough. But you know like I do she won't win. And Barack may not either. Black Man? Bill's wife? Change the world? More of the same? John Edwards it is! Its still nice to dream about change. And whats a world without dreamers?

The changing of the guard in Philadelphia politricks happened today as the city inducted its 98th mayor, Michael Nutter, at the Academy of Music. He got the crowd riled up with his chants of, "We can do this!" as he vowed to cut the homicide rate. We'll see. I feel hopeful because his wife reminds me of someone I know very well. And with a wife who looks like this, he's bound for greatness I'm certain.

This is the weekend I'll be off completing my undercover newspaper piece. I'm wrapping up the research portion and ready to not only report on my findings, but experience them as well. I have a story to complete for Scheme this week interviewing a member of one Hip Hop's most influential duos, so be on the look out for that in the coming weeks. For all my Hip Hop heads, the hint is in these words that I manifest. Guess who?

TLA is finally going to make it on the airwaves in two weeks. As far as I know, I'll be talking about Hip-Hop, R&B, and whatever else comes to mind with the on air DJ I'm sure. I'm excited and hope that the final remains of this cold are gone before I have to bless the world with my melodious voice. I almost let this opportunity get away from me, but I'm glad I decided not to go with my gut and pursue it. Patience pays off.

2008 is going to be great. I can feel it.


Anonymous said...

D----!! That was a brotha that killed and cooked a woman? Oh Lawd, what have we come to? Time to get back on da boat cause we have truly taken their triflint ways..lmao!! Nutter's wife looks like you!! I feel some great vibes coming from this man and he has a divine queen at his side...2008 is gonna be a hell of a year for all of us looking to make a strong mark on this earth....Ride on my sista!!

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