Last week I went to a taping in New York that VH1's Soul Stage series was having for India.Arie. I did a review of the show here, but while standing in line for two hours waiting to get in, my mind took a few laps on the meaningless deep end. Sometimes to avoid getting bored (annoyed?) when I'm waiting on line, my mind takes a trip, temporarily.
I admit that I'd always suspected casting agencies filled audiences at these types of shows with people who fit a particular demographic that record labels, sponsors, and those who don't take too kindly to seeing any ugmos* on the telly will find appealing. Of course these groups also include the perfect shades of an ever growing minority spectrum, with a few of the majority mixed in for good measure.
My guests and I arrived on time for the 6:15 call time. When we got there a smiling face with a clipboard greeted me at the door. He asked my name, gave us the quick up and down, (eyes only, still smiling) and pointed us toward the line. We were posted mid way in the line and waited for it to start moving. After an hour, we seemed to be on our way. Au contraire. People who were once behind us suddenly disappeared. People who were just arriving, moved right through. As more folks with clipboards appeared, the line kept creeping forward. There seemed to be a formula to moving forward. A clipboard approaches. Quick conversation. Disappear. Hmmm.
Once we finally got into our seats, my suspicions were confirmed. The Beautiful Ones were seated in front of the stage. You know, that section where the camera would skim enthusiastic, audience pleasing faces. My mind did a Psych and took me back to some of the faces I'd scanned in line. Was that the cute natural haired couple I'd seen who were all on their boo lovin' vibe in line? Yup. I see you trendy Asian punk rocky looking pair with the untamed tresses in the fourth row. Center. The Midnight Oil looking bald white guy? Check. The woman with the mushroom hair do, fur jacket, who went #2 and tried to dip out the ladies room without eye contact? First row. Behind the camera. Sorry.
Once the camera's started rolling, and after our applause was taped a few times, looks didn't really matter much. The Beautiful One's did not disappoint. The represented as hard as the rest of the crowd, if not more. After all, viewers deserve to see enthusiastic, non-stereotypical attractive visuals paired with their entertainment, right? Any other way wouldn't be Obama. Thank you television.
By the way, India was fantastic. Something about her voice makes me think about hot biscuits. Hot biscuits with butter that's been sitting out, melting so perfectly, delicious when digested. She is NOT her hair, she is the soul that lives within.
*ugmo (ug-moe) An unattractive male or female.
lmao.... ugmo's please step back... They wanted an electic looking crowd.... funky...diverse..
oh well glad you enjoyed the show
uh eclectic
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